Saturday, August 21, 2010

Peeing On Sticks

I peed on an ovulation test stick today. I am not ovulating quite yet, but it was still a win for me. I never got to pee on one of those during the two years of fertility treatments that I endured while trying to conceive our daughter. All of the scheduled blood work to check hormone levels clearly indicated that I was just not ovulating. I think I ovulated three times during those two years. Twice that resulted in nothing but a normal period about ten days later and once that resulted in conception.

This ovulating thing is pretty exciting to me. I became pretty confident about a year ago, just based upon paying attention to “down there,” that I was ovulating. My cycle was also regular for the first time in my life without hormones. This happened to be about the same time my almost three year old began sleeping through the night. Also about the time I was ready to start flirting with the idea of a second child. But the more that my husband and I talked about it, the more I realized that he just wasn’t ready, mostly because of the economy and financial worries. I didn’t really push the issue, I figured we would discuss it again off and on down the road.

Things changed for me in July of this year. We were travelling, headed into Yellowstone National Park and I ate lunch at a McDonalds in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Yeah, Yeah, I know McDonalds isn’t the best food option out there, but we were in a hurry and I like their fries. Well about two hours after I ate that hamburger, I began violently expelling liquid out of “both ends.” I was pretty sure that I had food poisoning. Thankfully we were travelling by RV and I had a toilet and garbage can at my disposal. It took our family nine and a half hours to make a three hour journey. I was in physical pain as well as not being able to keep anything down for nine hours. My husband took me straight to the emergency room in Cody, Wyoming. After a CT scan to rule out appendicitis I was told that I had a pretty large ovarian cyst but that it would not be causing pain for much longer because it had just ruptured. Well at the beginning of August I found myself in pain again. I spoke to my OB/GYN and was reassured that it was still the same cyst and I was reassured that it wasn’t anything to worry about. The nurse was actually a little excited that I had the cyst, as bad as that sounds. She said to me “That means you are ovulating, on your own, that is a big deal for you.”

I thought about it for a day or two after speaking to her. I realized that she was right. This was a big deal for me. I was ovulating. I am also 36 years old and not a spring chicken when it comes to having babies. I had a heart to heart with my husband and we decided that we both really wanted to have one more child. I really believe that if we waited until the world, our work and our finances are perfect, they day would never come.

We will see where this new journey takes us.

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