C was born with food allergies. It is a huge ordeal to deal with food allergies. Eating out and travelling are especially challenging. After a little time I figured out how to make it work for our family. I learned how to bake without eggs and milk, I made baked good, pancakes, waffles ahead of time and froze them to make things move more quickly for me in the mornings. C also tested positive for peanuts. It was mild, but we were told to completely avoid peanuts, but not to the extent that I had to worry about foods that were processed in plants the process peanuts. We were actually pretty lucky considering how deadly peanut allergies can be.
After allergy testing by blood work and skin prick every year, C finally had no skin reaction to peanut and her blood reaction was almost non existent. Her Allergist said that in order to be safe and avoid a Epi-Pen episode, he wanted to do a food challenge with peanuts. It is a little scary to take that step and watch them feed your child something you have spent years avoiding. Not to mention the fact that C is three and might not cooperate. But we did it.
C went through this challenge like a freakin' champ. I was so proud of her. After her first bite, a quarter of a teaspoon, she decided that she did not like the taste or texture of the peanut butter. I was worried that she wasn't going to complete the food challenge. But as they brought each "dose" of peanut butter, she sucked it up and gagged down the peanut butter through tears and almost vomiting it back up. I was so proud of her.
I am so excited that my child has outgrown egg, milk and peanut allergies. That is going to make preschool snack time a lot less of a worry for me. The only food we have to avoid now is raw tomato, which is totally do able.
*sigh of relief*
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